Before and After

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Real Food Recipe Wednesday

It’s been awhile since I’ve told my story, and I have a whole bunch of new people visiting this site (welcome!), so I thought I’d give you a little bit of history.

Do you see that girl up there on the left? That girl used to feel like crap. Oh, she got up every day and tried to be a good wife and a good mom, but it was really hard. She didn’t handle stress well. She had a hard time playing on the playground with her kids because it just made her too tired from carrying around all the extra weight.

Before 1

That girl tried Weight Watchers, counting calories, meal plans, and diet shakes, among many others. She felt like a failure with no willpower because those things never worked, and she always gained back more than she lost.

Before 2

She hated pictures of herself and tried not to look in the mirror. Then one day she happened to catch a glance in the mirror, and decided enough was enough. No one should ever have to feel that way, and it was affecting her family, her kids, her whole life.

Now this girl, on the other hand, this girl feels super confident, confident enough to borrow her 14-year-old niece’s red skinny jeans to wear out on a date night.


She feels happy, strong, and capable of anything. She ditched crappy, unsustainable diets and opted instead for eating real, unprocessed, nourishing food, and the weight fell off. She moves her body daily. She has energy to run and jump and play with her kids.

Fun center 11

She has kept the weight off easily for years now, finding maintenance to be very enjoyable. What a great life, she finally feels free!

This girl is so in love with her new life that she went to one of the best nutrition schools in the world so she can better share it with anyone who will listen.

44 - Haleakala Crater Sunrise event - Emily & Marq

What about you? Are you ready? I invite you to find your best self!



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