
HomeAuthor: Emily
Showing 1 - 10 of 177 results
The power of food is astonishing to me. The more that I learn, the more I want to treat my...
Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? How does that go for you? How do you make New Year’s Resolutions last?...
Have you been stressing about your Thanksgiving menu? Well, stress no more, because today I’m giving you a gift: A Thanksgiving...
In the book French Women Don’t Get Fat, Mireille Guilaiano focuses a lot on the benefits of plain yogurt. I...
Watch your email, new challenges will be coming your way soon!
    While on our recent camping trip, I was getting dressed in the tent trailer early one morning and...
There is something in the air, can you feel it? It’s something that speaks of the end of summer rapidly...
Are there meals that are faster than fast food?  I have been there so many times. It’s the end of...
Let’s play make-believe for a moment, shall we? First scene: You are playing the carpool game, finally made the last...
Healthy School Lunch Ideas August? What? How the… When did you get here? Did August sneak up on anyone else?...